Rubber roofing Information!

Rubber roofing, also know as EPDM rubber membrane, offers a one piece durable solution for any flat or pitched roof.

EPDM stands for ethylene propylene diene polymer.

It is affordable, resistant to sunlight and recyclable and increases energy efficiency.

If you’re seeking a longer-lasting and visually appealing flat roofing system rubber roofing is the perfect solution.

If for some reason , which is extremely rare due to its toughness, it can be repaired very easily, using a patch ,completed with a full twenty year gurantee.

Capable to withstand extreme fluctuations in weather conditions , from hail, snow to extremely hot sunshine.

Our flat roofing solutions are now the preffered material of architects and built to last a lifetime. With a lifespan of over 50 years.

It can ou tperform asphalt and fibreglas by its finished look and lifespan.

Rubber roofs are resistant to algae and moss. They are also environmentally friendly, recyclable, and built to withstand cracking and splitting.

Rubber roofing can be installed on your flat roofing system on garages, extensions, dormers, outbuildings, and sheds.

Feel free to reach us at 07738445071 if you have any questions.

epdm 1.2mm detail